I may be a broken record at this stage. Fuck it.
So many things have changed in my life that add together to make a pretty awesome experience, with its hard times too, as balancing is the way.
I often find myself thinking, if I could go back at tell myself one thing, what would it be? And quite honestly the answer is to add a daily set of practices. More specifically daily breathwork, holding the vision, daily meditation and daily power-listing. I’ve aways had big dreams, but a lot of the time it was never backed by action. And so it was just that, a dream.
These 4 things I truly believe are the foundation for growth and personal development, a tool to help actually ACT out the life we dream of.
Look let’s be honest, there are a lot of unhappy people around. Lots of bullshit thrown at us every day, lots of meaningless going to work, lots of consumption of shitty food and shitty information, lots of energy destroying behaviours and soul sucking truths of the world. You can get ripped of all hope and stay there, if you don’t have a play to run that manages the worlds/other peoples bullshit. Or as Dan Koe would put it…

This is where the tools come in:
Breathwork to remember the abundant nature, to work through emotion (let go of society’s shit) and to assist the ability to drop into the vision.
The Vision to remind yourself what the fuck it is your up to each and every day.
Meditation to train your awareness, arguably the single most important skill in the age of distraction.
Then a power-list of 5 things that you will do each day that more you one step closer to the dream.
Lets unpack these practices and dive into the practicality:
Breathwork: Breathwork is a specific pattern of breathing which assists in moving towards a more expansive view of the world. I use one of these 2 options daily:
(10min practice) Wim Hof: 3 rounds. 30 breaths per round. Fully inhale, let it go x 30. The final breath of each round, let it go, then hold for as long as possible. Inhale when needed, hold for 10 seconds. Repeat x 3.
(5min Practice) Owaken Daily: 3 rounds, 10 breaths round 1, hold for 10sec after the exhale. 20 breaths round 2 hold for 20sec. 30 breaths round 3 hold for max length. Inhale when needed, hold for 10sec.

Typically Owaken is when i’m called to most days due to it being far more accessible able and far less mental resistance to sit down and do. During the final round of directly post breathwork is the perfect time to engage in a vision practice.
Imagine your dream life, what does it look like? Who’s there? What car do you have? what does it smell like? What does your house look like? Go into as much detail as possible and imagine the best possible future you can. This practice helps align us with what needs to be done and reminds us of what the outcome may be if we put in the work. If you don’t take time to remember why your doing what your doing, then distraction and mediocrity will set in. The road is long and hard, a refresher must be in place each day. Just like Frodo needed Sam, we need the vision!
Meditation: At the end of the day, all we truly have is our awareness. All we really are is awareness, experiencing the human condition. Things arise and fall in and out of our awareness in each moment. The quality of our awareness determines the quality of our experience. Meditation is the tool to hone the skill of awareness with as little as 5 minutes per day (I personally do 10.) The Waking Up app is by far the most superior form of practice for beginners and experienced alike. Heres a link to a free 30 day trial of the app: https://dynamic.wakingup.com/shareOpenAccess/SCE6F1C10
Powerlist: The formula to not get lost. 5 things that must be completed each day, usually 1 of the points on the list for me is this set of practices and then 4 other things I believe are important. 1 being the critical task of the day, THE thing required no matter how small, that is going to get you one step closer to the vision. An example for me, is writing this letting and recording this weeks youtube video. 5 things, no more no less, every day.
This is also such a beautiful tool because you can reflect on your days as the months pass and genuinely see if you are making progress or not. Are you doing whats required of you, or are you not? The answer to your progress is laid out in front of you. The power list is the most important play to run. Now go run it!

So, here are the tools. Now go run the play.
We have one shot at this life, death is a promise.
Lets get Every Last Drop from this life! #ELD
Much Love guys, thank you 💜