Sitting here watching the sun rise grounding in my practices, something came through really clearly, elaborating on some conversations Mia and I were having yesterday.
I’m what you could call an over-thinker, always have been. But that in my mind that sounds like a bad thing.
So instead I’ll refer to this as a Ponderer.
As a Ponderer, I’m prone to chaos if I don’t have routine and structure.
What I mean is: if I don’t align my daily actions with my beliefs (structure), it’s just a matter of time before I’m feeling like shit. I can play myself and try to be “chill” with my unaligned decisions, which only works for so long.
An example of this would be eating whole foods that nourish my body and mind. So when I eat bad consistently I’m not only poisoning my body (in my beliefs), but I’m also going against my beliefs.
This corrodes confidence, self belief, excitement and general wellbeing over time. Setting off a chain reaction of overthinking and chaos.
Structure is like the guide rails on the road of life for a Ponderer, and alignment with our beliefs is paying attention to those guard rails and navigating between them.
Beyond the resistance to commit to this, is freedom of mind.
Beyond the overthinking / pondering Is a deep sense of clarity.
I’m unfortunately or fortunately inclined to this way of life. I didn't choose to be a Ponderer, yet here I am... It’s my choice which perception I take and choose to lean into with actions.
As it your choice to learn how you best operate, and accept that path.
In a video game, we choose the character and not the quests.
In life, we choose the quests but not the character.
Learning how our own character operates to then choose the quests to fulfilment from a place of clarity.
So where are you ignoring your guard rails? It's time to act.
Let's turn our "overthinking" into clarity via action.
This is the daily practice, the game.
Much love 💜