Pectus is more than just a physical deformity...
That's why in the pectus programme we go over Training, YES. But also mindset and daily tasks to help us build confidence and discipline to become the person we've always dreamed of being.

Learn to take your shirt off and be confident!
What to expect?
30 day training plan.
Gain Muscle
Manage Rib Flare
Build Confdence
Discipline Skill Building
Learning to cultivate self belief
love who we are
Pecuts doesn't have to hold us back
Meditation & Breathwork for Pectus
Welcome to the Pectus Excavatum programme where you will lean the tools and tips to step into the most confident, stoked and happy version if yourself. Building our physiques along the way with empowering movement ⚡️
Discipline is a skill, not something we are born with. Start practicing with “The Discipline Skill Set”. Are you sick of the same shit, different day?
Want to level up your life and become the person you've always dreamed of being? Who you know you can be?
Here we will train our body and mind to reach a state that Pectus becomes a superpower, turning it into a thing that enhances our life and makes us stoked!

Here to get Every Last Drop from life!
H u n t e r C h r i s p
Qualified PT.
What if we actually became the person we've always wanted to be?
Move Better, live Better.
Join the ELD Letter to evolve into who you always knew you could be.
Everything is a skill
T h e B l o g
Build skills, deep chats and provoke ideas.

Who is Hunter Chrisp?
Hey, I'm Hunter.
I’m a lazy gone disciplined creative director. Life used to rule me, and now I help others rule life.
Everything is a skill, which means discipline is one too. Discipline is the backbone to every other goal or dream we have.
I’m the guy whose life took a U-turn into a dark place.
I thought there was no way out. But I found a way, and that way involved training and learning the skill of discipline
Now im on a mission to inspire 100,000 people with Pectus Excavatum and body image issues to feel better in their bodies!
As an insecure kid wanting to hide from the world and never take his shirt off, to Personal Trainer, turned freelancer, turned creator, I’ve developed effective discipline systems that have helped me and my clients learn build the physique of our dreams and with that, the life of our dreams.
You can work with me via picking up my digital products, coaching programmes or through my co-funded fitness business Kairos.
If you want to chase your dreams and build the skills required, send me a message and let's get Every Last Drop from life!