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Hunter Chrisp
May 3, 20242 min read
I will only be happy when… It’s a lie. The “Y”
#ELD 42 I’ve recently been listening to the audio book ‘The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness’ and it’s really...

Hunter Chrisp
Apr 17, 20242 min read
How to manage emotional triggers. What would a friend do?
How to manage emotional triggers, why am I here AGAIN, how many times will I have to go through this bullshit. How do we move forward…...

Hunter Chrisp
Mar 17, 20242 min read
Traditional lifting < Unconventional Fitness
Traditional lifting to Unconventional Fitness #ELD Letter 37. Well well well, you’ve either had an existential crisis and no longer want...

Hunter Chrisp
Feb 2, 20243 min read
Everything is a skill, literally.
Everything is a skill, literally. And I don't mean literally like Kardashian uses the word “literally”. I actually mean everything is...

Hunter Chrisp
Jul 2, 20232 min read
Action Cures Fear. The Warrior's Spirit.
Note to self: 31 A new season is upon me, I'm officially finished in my previous role. It's making me reflect a lot about how our comfort...

Hunter Chrisp
Jun 11, 20232 min read
Foundations: The Most Important #ELD
11/6/23 Note to self 28 "My foundations solid let's take flight" - Nipsey Hustle The foundations. Holding the standard. You did all this...

Hunter Chrisp
Apr 24, 20232 min read
What can Trump teach me? Love / Fear.
If you can like or hate Donald Trump and can recognise that some people ‘like’ him and some 'dislike' him. Therefor it would be possible...

Hunter Chrisp
Apr 10, 20234 min read
4 Life Changing Practices. Win the day.
I may be a broken record at this stage. Fuck it. So many things have changed in my life that add together to make a pretty awesome...

Hunter Chrisp
Jan 2, 20233 min read
What if it did workout? I’ve always wondered why some people achieve their dreams and some don’t. Coming to realise there’s so many...
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