Why do we rise and fall? We’re not special…
ELD 43
We’re on a winning streak! Thinking we are the man/woman, then fall flat on our face. Why?
The foundation of this is that we are not special…
It wasn’t ourself that caused the winning streak, the momentum or even the happiness. It’s not random. It was a chain of actions that caused the outcome. We are not special.
It’s easy for our egos to become involved when we are winning, when things are going our way. It’s easy to then think you don’t need to continue to do the things that brought about the current circumstances of good fortune.
Only if we think we’re special, if we think the reason we are winning is because of ourself. “Because we are just incredible!”
Thats when we eat shit. We fall flat on our face and wonder what happened…
But on the flip side, we didn’t win because we are who we are, we won because of the actions we took.
Think of it in the context of our physical condition. If we’re in shape, muscular, lean and strong. It’s because we’ve been training hard, eating quality food and doing what it takes.
Same goes for every single other area of our life.
Are we doing the required reps to have a fruitful Business? To be happy? To have a engaging relationship? To wake up excited?
If not, the it’s a matter of time before it catches up to us.
That’s where having some honest reflection, putting our ego in check and looking at the facts of our life.
Through this process, applying compassion and ultimately love to guide us back on the path that produces results.
Remember, we are not special, we just did some things that made some other things happen.

Let’s do more of those things,
Much love x