You’ve seen the movie "Inception", right? Remember “the kick” (“which is the sensation of falling, hitting water, or a sharp jolt that can startle the sleeper awake”) scene? The specific example i’m thinking of is when Leonardo DiCaprio gets dunked into the bath tub of water and wakes up from the dream. I’m talking about this because I also had a “kick”, that woke me up from my "sleep" - my perpetual cycle of repeating behaviours and negative thought.
This kick was in the form of a mental discipline programe called 75 Hard. Like one of the baddest men on the planet Jocko Willink says:
You might think that discipline is a feature you inherit, you either have it or you don't. However, discipline can be built; how to build it? Well, in my case it was and is 75 hard.
What is 75 hard? It's a mental development programme created by Andy Friscella, which has a set of specific rules to be followed for 75 days. Now being honest, the first time I attempted this programme I modified it to suit what I believed I should be doing even though Andy says not to change it at all. What I did each and every day for 75 days was:
2 workouts a day, one outdoors.
Breath-work & meditation.
3L water.
Read 10 pages of a book or play 20 minutes of guitar.
Whole foods only with no cheat meals.
Completing this genuinely changed my life and was the “kick” to me truly realising my potential in a practical way. I did so much shit during this time and the whole world opened up. Things happened such as: Increased libido, better connections, finances stacking, true happiness and fulfilment. It kicked me into wanting to create the life of my dreams. But as discipline is a PERISHABLE skill, not a gift or talent, once you stop making deposits into the "discipline stockpile", you slowly lose it, and everything that came with it.
So there I was, once again, back into the good old cycle of negative thoughts and feeling like shit. I was no longer chasing my dreams and just living day to day, I had spent all my stacked discipline and had nothing left. I knew what I needed to do to get the fire back, but for whatever reason didn’t commit. Until one day, again waking up and asking myself “what the fuck are you doing.”
Game on, I started 75 hard again, but this time fully committing to all of the tasks and adding extra tasks on top of it, such as daily breath work and meditation. As I write this i’m on day 50. Again, my whole life has changed. ALL of the previously mentioned positive consequences are back, and I’m fucking fired up to share this message.
Do I think 75 hard is the best thing? No. What I do believe is that cultivating discipline and self trust (both perishable skills) is essential for my life. That opinion may change, but for now it’s my deepest truth. Going from feeling like I was controlled by my phone and outside circumstances in life, to truly being present and engaged in life is no easy job. But it’s the most fulfilling path I’ve ever been on, it’s like waking up to the next best day of your life. It's the merging of who you are truthfully, according to your daily actions, with who you can be.
Self-trust: Developing self-trust comes from reflecting back on your day and noticing that, no matter how good or bad you were feeling, you went all in and did what you believe you should be doing. You know what you should be doing; whenever you try to lie to yourself, deep deep down you know you’re full of shit.
Do this for 75 days and you'll feel like a completely different person. Imagine being able to answer truthfully that you did it, and actually believing it. It’s not a feeling easily described.
We all have a voice inside that KNOWS what the right decision is, and this process helps you listen to it. At first you drag yourself into the tasks, but eventually you're doing them because you fucking love it. Listening to that voice, that intuitive pull is also a perishable skill. So cultivating a lifestyle where you're practicing listening changes everything. It’s creating an entire new existence for your life. You don’t wake up one day in love with life, you build it.
Let's get practical: What are 5 things you know you should be doing each day?
Design them into a power-list (use my FREE TC journal if you want a place to write them, follow this link)
My current one is: 75 hard tasks + Meditation & Breath-work + Creative work. You want your life to change? Re-invent yourself. You want it to stay the same? Keep doing what you’re doing.
Thanks for stopping by. Much love - Hunter.