Note to self: 30.
If you go all in in every facet of life confidence is the result.
I write this currently aware of areas of my life where I know I could be more in on. The realisation of late is that, the more effort you put into work, the more confident you feel in yourself. Expand this across every area of your life.
If you know you’re giving "it" your all, there is no room for thoughts of insecurity and if something does go wrong there isn't the self destructive thoughts of "I should have tried harder." Instead It's "I genuinely tried my best, what can I learn here?"
This quote from an incredible American author, life coach, and speaker summarises this well:
I love using the work example because it is a very real one for me. It's fine at the time cruising and doing the bare minimum, until shit hits the fan and your faced with the guilt of not putting in enough effort.
Where are there chinks in my armour?
Are you taking care of your health now so the future doesn’t fill you with health related regret? Because you will face health issues in time.
Are you addressing your current financial situation so that when your car fucks out, you can get it fixed?
Are you doing what you want with your time and living intentionally so that when the day comes that you wonder what you have been doing with your life you have an answer?
Are you addressing your mental health and not sweeping internal problems under the rug to collect dust and come back stronger?
Are you truly living?
Yes these are potentially unnecessary existential questions, but in my mind they are THE questions worth asking.
The more effort we put into one thing, the more effort we put into everything. The result?
A life of intentional living, being stoked with where you have ended up without the destructive question of "how the fuck did I end up here?"
The reason to go all in on everything isn’t for the sake of pleasing your boss or whoever else (even though these too are good things,) it is simply to have no chinks in your armour, to truly respect yourself and know that you are someone who gets shit done. Someone who is worthy of a good life.
A good life isn’t luck because even some of the most affluent people suffer from depression and hating their life. A good life is built through all of your micro actions that add up to a sense of deep fulfilment.
And that starts with the small things, again, the foundations.
If you’re all in, the reward is a good life.
Fuck around and find out...
Ill leave you with an awesome quote:
You get what you work for, not what you want.
Get to work!
Much love,