Reflecting back on my life, back to the times where I felt like everything was FUCKED. In a place where I didn't think it was possible to ever enjoy life again... Dramatic but honestly it was pretty bad.
But there was something that changed that, I had a few moments each day where I began to imagine a place where things weren't so bad. Those brief moments came from using the Waking Up meditation app by Sam Harris. It was the few seconds each day where the shitstorm subsided that made me realise it is possible. Maybe it is possible to be happy again? Incredibly grateful.

What can the app do for you?
Well I believe all suffering is essentially created from the mind. The mind is like any other skill, it takes practice to be good at it. And if you don't practice then, in my case it lead to a lot of suffering and negative self talk.
Learning to see thoughts, sights, sounds and all other things as appearances in the spacious awareness, in consciousness that we really are. I know these words seem woo woo and out there, but this changed my life and It may do the same for you.
But don't worry the app has a 30 day introduction to meditation course which leads you to understand what meditation is, and what the whole point of the app is.
Heres one of my favourite quotes from Sam Harris (the apps creator):

How do you expect to be good at something that your don’t practice?
Just like fighting, weight lifting or reading. We get better over time.
So, logically the only way to improve our mental health and quality of mind is to practice. Mental training: this is one of the non-negotiable practices we should do each day.
I say that from a place of having my life genuinely transformed from this practice.
Don't expect things to get better if your not practicing improving them.
Prove with devotion and action that you want to be better, and you will.
What gives me the right to speak on this? I've now spent over 3 years with the app clocking over 730 sessions of meditation and 6700minutes of practice. My life was fucked, and now it's not. Thats all I know.

Now the app continues to support me in crafting the life of my dreams, helping me return to a place of clarity each day so I can take aggressive action on making my dreams come true!
As an app member we are allowed to give away 1month of free access for anyone interested. Hit me up and I can send you a link for it.
Daily practice and stacking skills leads to getting better at many thing, start, grow, play and lets get Every Last Drop from this life!
Thanks for checking in, much love x
p.s I'm not associated or sponsored by this app, just my experience.