ELD Letter #34
So often we are busy trying to go somewhere, do the next thing or reach the new destination. But there is something that comes before that process, that’s an essential step for us to even know how to get to the destination…
The skill of being honest with ourself. Honesty is a beautiful tool regardless of the context, but I’ve found it extremely difficult in the past for myself, with myself. Being able to admit “fuck… I’m not who I need to be to reach that goal…” Not fun! But essential non the less.
As I explained in a recent reel on IG: When we walk somewhere we need to see where to step so we can actually get there. No shit right. Same goes for our goals and dreams. If we can’t first see the level in which we are at, then we won’t know the required skills we need to practice to then reach the goal. Which leads to going around in circles being busy, rather than being productive.
Let me get this point across in a graphic:

The GPS needs to know where we are, our location, to then map us the path to where we want to go. It's so obvious but such a potent reminder to stop us going in circles.
This concept also presents itself in the content of mental health. For so long I just didn’t admit to myself that my mental health was at an all time low… So each day I never improved because I didn’t first admit that I needed to.
But once I had a real conversation with myself, I understood my current location, I could then see my realistic skill level (reference to last weeks letter). Once we can see where we are, we can then figure out the steps that need to be taken to get a different result.
For me this looked like “Im binging Netflix, eating processed cheep food, disconnected with friends and family, have 0 purpose or reason to get up each day.” That then allowed the opposite of that to happen. To stop watching so much shit, tidy up my food intake, reach out to family and friends and figure out what I want to do with my time here on earth.
Remembering everything is a skill means that the more we exercise this ability to be honest with ourself, the better we get at it. Leading to a more engaged purpose driven life.
If you want to have a practical way to figure this out and build the skill yourself, feel free to pick up The Discipline Skillset here: https://thecontentmentnzl.wixsite.com/hunter/product-page/the-discipline-skill-set
Or alternatively DM me and I send you a free PDF.
So where does this leave us in regards to chasing our dreams and achieving the goals along the way? Again, the GPS thing.
The GPS needs to know where we are, our location, to then map us the path to where we want to go. Are we right at the start or building our dreams, do we need to do some planning and experimentation? Do we need to build the skills required to be the person we want to be? Do we have some of them already? Or do we have a plan that we just need to stick to, giving it time to unfold?
I believe this leads to more gratitude in the present and for that reason alone it’s worth doing.
So, where is your location?
Much love,