After a long time playing with the idea of personal growth, the path lead me to the 3 pillars. Physical, Mental and Spiritual health.
Physical: All things in the realm of your body. From movement, to nutrition.
Mental: All things in your mind/mindset, past experiences, up bringing and your parents.
Spiritual: The lens in which you view the world. Your relationship to consciousness, god, Jah, the great spirit or whatever word you want to assign. Faith in the unknown.

Whenever I’ve felt disconnected from reality, theres always one of these 3 areas that I neglect. The solution: participate in them each and every day through practices and lifestyle choices.
Where to start?
The Physical realm:
Recently I watched the documentary Stutz about Jonah Hill’s therapist, and his conviction was that it starts from your body, the Physical realm. Not only his conviction but also the evidence, based on the results of his patients.
Creating a relationship with your body, with your nutrition, with your movement is “85%” of the start of someone’s healing journey. 85%! Starting here gives the foundations, it starts to regulate your brain’s chemistry creating momentum in a positive direction.
As Stutz would explain, it’s cultivating and focusing on building life force energy. Fuck your goals and what you want to do. If you take care of your life force, your body, then your passion and excitement for life will ignite. Therefore unlocking direction for your life, ultimately leading to fulfilment of all 3 pillars.
The path appears only once it is being walked. Don’t don’t try find the path, just start walking, start cultivating life force and watch the path present itself to you.

The path being contentment in life, in your life. Starting in the physical realm, putting things into play that change your brains chemistry and build your “Physical” relationship.
So the focus of this letter is about the Physical pillar. Because the Physical pillar essentially opens the door to access the other pilars. They are all equally important don’t get me wrong, but when you are in the depths of HELL, focusing on the physical, as therapist Phil Stutz says, is 85% of what will move you forward.

Lets get practical:
Creating a relationship with your body is the starting point. A relationship to the idea of movement, experimenting with your body to find ways in which you enjoy moving it. Your brain rewards you with endorphins and good feelings when your body is moved, this is far beyond my opinion.
I believe there are fundamental movement patterns in humans that if performed, your body adapts in a positive direction, unlocking the “Mental” pillar. One stop closer to Contentment.
I’ve designed a movement fundimentals programme to guide you in that direction. It has the fundamental movement patterns laid out with videos on how to perform each one. Check out the programme above this post on my website to pick this movement guide up.
IMPORTANT: If “Movement Fundamentals” is something you are interested in but cant afford to invest in it right now, let me know, i’m happy to send you it for free. My mission is to help, if I can make a living along the way, cool. If not, I want to help regardless. So reach out!
I wish you all the best on your quest for contentment, lets start by respecting our body and nourishing it with movement and nutrition. If your confused about where to start, I’m a DM away.
Thanks for stopping by guys, much love 💜
-Hunter @ The Contentment.