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Writer's pictureHunter Chrisp

Fear: An essential part of the equation. Panic attacks are a blessing…

ELD Letter 38.

So often we have the decision to face things in life that we back away from as it creates less anxiety and fear even though we know deep down it’s what you want to do. Ever done that? Me too.

This is called playing it safe or playing small.

These could be:

-Asking someone out

-Starting that YouTube channel or IG page

-Starting that side project or Business

-The list goes on

Through the process of writing these letters which are essentially reminders and lessons I’m unpacking to myself. The biggest thing I seem to come up against is my own fears, my own self limiting beliefs.

The part of this that worth elaborating on is that: Challenges are the catalyst for change and adaptation. Fear is an essential part of growth. If we didn’t feel the fear/excitement, it wouldn’t be something worth doing.

Fear, anxiety and other negative emotions are usually a signal of something worth resolving. But how do we resolve something we don’t want to face and would rather run from.

We first acknowledge the fear, the negative emotion and see it as a challenge that is a gift for our own progression.

It’s like being in a video game, when we defeat the final boss we progress to the next level. This is the real life version, our own triggers.

We can also view these fears as doors that unlock new “rooms” in our life. If we don’t go through the door… we don’t know whats inside.

This brings me to the main point of this letter, the ability to face our fears. But more importantly to decide this and find the bigger lesson in it.

The foundation of this is confidence in ourself to face challenges. If we’ve never faced challenges then we won’t believe we can overcome them, we also wouldn't see the lessons that come with the challenges. It wouldn’t be an ELD letter without talking about how this yet another skill we can develop.

We expose ourself to a achievable yet challenging task, and once completed this is like XP in the confidence skill. Repeat this enough times and tackling bigger fears / challenges in our life starts to seem like an achievable task.

But the key is to recognise where we are at, and build from there. If you want an easy way to figure out how

The goal is to slowly realise our fears, and actualise the actions towards them.

What did my panic attacks teach me then? Well first of all that I needed to make a radical change in my life. I had been ignoring the sings for such a long time that something extreme had to happen to make me move.

What’s something your feeling / avoiding that could be the catalyst for a beautiful life? It’s time to jump.

If you need help with that, the DM’s are open.


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