The more life unfolds, the more I'm becoming convinced of one fundamental truth. That everything, literally, is a skill.
Want to make money? Same. Lets learn and up skill so it can happen.
Want a healthy physical body? Learn, up skill.
Want to be happy? Learn whats important to you, up skill, do it more.
I'm a super dreamy type. I love thinking of ways of living, dreaming about whats possible and being really up in my own little world with it all.
Which is awesome, go me. But this only gets me so far. What about actually making the dreams happen? What about the real world? Not just Hunters happy dream land where anythings possible.
Well I'm now convinced everything is a skill. Which means brining your dream into the real world is also a skill. Break that skill down and there are many micro skills that stack up and make the macro skill.

So what I'm basically saying, WHATEVER it is you want in life: being happy, a new car, loving relationship, a healthy body etc... Whatever it is, you can learn how to make it happen and apply the skillset to make it real.
As I write this it seems so fucking obvious... but sometimes getting the thoughts and ideas out onto paper makes it click. Like right now for me, I hope for you too.
So lets get practical.
To achieve your dream life, you have to be who you need to be in real time, you can't just talk shit.

What is it you want? What skills do you need? Actually do it...
My answer is: Freedom, I want to be able to "work" from anywhere, visit my family and demand my own time.
Skills required: Income (online), driving (car), mindset to believe it's possible and low amount of possessions to make being on the go possible with nothing tying me down.
What do I currently have? Daily cultivation of mindset. Ability to drive.
So that means I need to learn how to make money online and decrease the amount of shit I own. Cool. Lets do it.
Now I can breakdown that macro skill into micro skills, learn and execute them with daily action and discipline. I'm not going to stumble into money. I need to learn the ways of the wealthy man.
Whatever the fuck it is. It can be learnt, but not without disciplined action. I could sit here and ramble about that for 803 hours, so lets wrap it up.
Start, grow, apply, play. Live.
Appreciate you stopping by, lets grow 💜