Sunday 18th August 2024.
Being truly ok with who we are is the real superpower...
All the weird shit, all the quirks and all the things we individually like.
Giving ourself permission to like what we like.
Going a step further and giving ourself permission to be ok with other people's judgement.
Some people will like us. Some will think we are weird. That's the truth.
Once we are in full conviction of our own life with 0 expectation of other peoples approval then suddenly we are free to live the life WE want.
It's easy to not do things because it looks weird.
It's easy not to speak up in fear of judgement.
It's easy to slowly disconnect from our authentic self because of fear.
But stepping into that, becoming who we know we want to be is the rewarding life.
On the other side of loving who we are is a life worth living.
Today I accept myself just as I am. Today I let myself like what I like. Fuck the worlds opinion.
Let's live!
Much love,