I want this, I want that, my dream is this and I must do that! Woah wowah wooooaaahhhh, slow down lad. What good is living in dream land without looking down at your feet to see where you need to walk... (a word to myself 😂)
If we don't look truthfully at where we are, we’ll never be satisfied. The journey is the purpose of this human experience. Acknowledging where we are, acknowledges the journey which is all we are ever doing, gives us clarity about what our next steps can be.
Practically speaking, what is the next step that must be taken? Just the single next step in your day, your relationship, your business or any other facet of life? If we make a list of these things, then we have the ability to see clear and to then act! Brining our dream life one step closer. After all, one needs to see where one is to see where one is going (check out last weeks letter to read about the power-list: https://www.thecontentment.net/post/4-life-changing-practices-win-the-day)
No arriving, no balance, no "I made it". Only traveling, balancing and being here now.
Being here now can be further contemplated by taking a closer look at death. Andy Whitfield (a man who passed away from Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, cancer) had this to say about coming to terms with his mortality:
Theres something beautiful yet so scary about death, it seems to create upmost presence in those that have the unfortunate fate of knowing its arrival is close by. But is it really a level of awareness that the living can not harness?
The Stoics seem to tap into this philosophy in their contemplative meditations, or in other words the "Last Time" meditation and "A Stoic Death". Through contemplating death, theres seems to be an aliveness that can come about. A sense of true presence that is available to be tapped into at all times, far easier said than done... However much like literally everything else, it's a skill one can practice. Practicing Stoicism has some definite value, and speaking of,
heres a link to two practices you can participate in inside of the Waking Up app (with a free 7 day trial, or DM me to get a free 30 day trial):
Last Time Meditation: https://dynamic.wakingup.com/course/CO4EB3F99
A Stoic Death: https://dynamic.wakingup.com/course/C06EBD?code=SCE6F1C10&share_id=AB20ADF6&source=content%20share
During the last time meditation, William prompts us with this to ponder:
If this was the last day you had, how would it look? Who would you let know that you love them? What would you do? A potentially fearful thought, but one worth contemplation.
So with that being said, I ask myself:
Am I acknowledging where I currently am so that I may take the next step?
Have I taken note of the current moment?
How would I do whatever it is that I'm doing, if it was indeed the last time?
Thanks for stopping by, much love 💜